Ring Entrance: The low purr of a Harley-Davidson Sportster 1200 Custom engine sounds off before revving turns the purr into a roar. Outlaw plays as Heath Johnson rides in from the back on his bike and down the ramp. He circles the ring before parking the bike next to the announcer's table then looks up at his opponent in the ring. He smirks before walking ringside and pulling himself onto the apron using the ropes. He enters the ring and cracks his neck.
Wrestling Style: brawler
Basic Moves: Please provide basic moves your wrestler uses during their matches.
01]- 8 second ride
02]- Flapjack
03]- Full nelson
04]- Argentine backbreaker drop
05]- Pendulum backbreaker
06]- DDT
07]- Neckbreaker
08]- Spinning spinebuster
09]- Stunner
10]- Hells gate
Trademark Maneuvers: Moves that aren't as strong as your finisher but not basic moves.
01]- Swinging Noose
02]- Modified powerbomb
03]- Cruzifixion
04]-Snake eyes followed by a stunner
Finishers:What move finishes the match?
01]- Life Sentence [O-Zone]
02]- Outlaws Drop [Electric Chair Driver]
Weapons: What is your wrestlers favorite weapon to use during a match?
Write a little bit about your wrestler's history so we know more about them. Why did they come to wrestling?