"They really fucked me over. Like they really fucked me over
So now I've got the other people telling me that they wanna repossess my car
And, you know, I just had to say to them, "Look, I'm sorry, but I don't drive a car"
A large black tank like vehicle with spikes protruding from the wheels and sides makes it's way down the ramp. Both Zephyr Draven and Nox Vonn Anna can be seen atop the tank as it slowly moves down toward the ring. Once reaching the ring, Zephyr helps Nox over the top rope then follows shortly behind. The two stand in the ring with their hands over their heads in fists as fire blasts from the corners of the ring. Nox smacks the back of Zephry's shoulder before turning toward his opponent saying "boo," then exiting the ring.